Brianna Stanko Vitamin C

Brianna Stanko Vitamin C

Well, I can't stand her. She is a hustler who simply pushes the products on her website and slams other products that she doesn't carry. She's constantly contradicting herself saying she loves something and is using it, then the next thing you know, she is onto a new one and saying it's her holy grail. She cuts down any type of skin care that she does not sell. She is a know it all and really has no business acting like a skin professional. Her husband is also shady. And their company was under investigation as well.
And above all, her voice makes me cringe......
She's a fake. 100%. And she's leaving California because she can't get on the housewives show! She's too dull therefore, not watchable. Her so called "friends" from the show don't even comment on her Instagram photos anymore. Poor little thing got dumped..

QUOTE (Regina Phalange @ 14/5/2017, 05:35)

Does anyone know if she will be on OC housewives this season?

No, she won't, she never was in the running. It was just gossip. Plus my friend met Gretchen Rossi two months ago in L.A and she confirmed that Stanko was never even considered, as she met her once through Vicky G
Now she's high tailing it back to Atlanta LOL.

QUOTE (ThePom @ 17/5/2017, 00:20)

I like Brianna and the info on medical grade skincare that she provides - it's better than the average beauty blogger as Brianna goes in depth. I don't care for her other videos. The beauty videos are all "this is the best, you guys", "OMG stunnnnnn-ing" "the best" and just all fluff. She does get e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. ever made and I bet she's the second on line once things come out, but I just find her ... vapid. But she knows about medical skin care!

I only recently realized she owned Premier Look. I always thought she was an employee working for Dr. Silver - like the office manager who found her niche.

Can someone who knows more about her fill in the details? I though the Cali move was strange, but now I want to know more. She never addressed it on her channel - even though she promised to.

She very abruptly moved to Cali because she actually thought she had a chance to be a reality to star. She barely knows Vicky and I guess Vicky convinced her to come out in hopes of getting her on the show. My guess is that she met Vicky through an Atlanta person and remember the scumbag who she dated (fake cancer guy) lives there. Anyways, fast forward a couple of months and Stanko realizes that her dream of being a Real Housewife of OC is not happening. So she gave this excuse of how she didn't like her neighbourhood or neighbours and found Calofornia people "cold". I saw right through that garbage. She's going back to Atlanta to be "regular folk" because her star got crushed. She will continue peddling pharmaceuticals without a license. She will continue to flap her inflated lips about stuff she knows nothing about. And for the person above who says that she knows her stuff? Listen honey. I used to be a skin care sales rep many years ago. I would go into salons and rant and rave about our products and they all thought I was a god because I knew so much. It's not rocket science. It's called READING YOUR PRODUCT INFORMATION. no brainer....

QUOTE (eastsidebabe @ 17/5/2017, 20:02)

Today's video is another one hawking Osmosis and how its chemical version of Retin-A is less damaging, etc than the real Retin A.

She gives out a lot of good information. I take it all with a grain of salt.

Yet just seconds ago she was ranting and raving about retin A. Soon another product will join her premier look family and THAT product will be Amazing, and The BEST ever, yada yada yada. #scammer

QUOTE (Mouflette @ 15/5/2017, 20:32)

QUOTE (Bitch‚Please.. @ 15/5/2017, 20:20)

First, I love Brianna and her whole family (her sister is great!) There is a video from last year ALL about Retin-A; how to use it, what it does, how to incorporate it into your skincare program, the strengths and what they do, etc. I took notes as it was exactly what I was looking for information wise. It also was great that her site sold it because getting it from my doc wasn't going to happen (Rx).

I saw my PS shortly after that video (last years) regarding breast reduction and mentioned starting Retin-A (he has skincare spa that sells Obagi and some other lines) and was surprised to hear him say he didn't use it or prescribe it. I asked him why and he said due to all the damage he saw/sees with long term usage. People tend to overuse it /misuse it and in time, mess up their skin in a big way. I know many who do use it and have done so for 20 years plus; majority are fine but a few HAVE developed serious skin issues. I haven't used it yet because of that.

I didn't catch her video but....part of me thinks that when anyone claims how great something is, sells it, raves about it and then says NO, IT ISN"T GREAT, people tend to go "now hang on a second here". I saw that with her switch from Oribe to Kerastase: she and her sister (a hairdresser) RAVED about Oribe for at least a year. Brianna would go on about how amazing her hair was, how the products are the best around, how nothing compares, etc. One day, a video goes up and it's all about how KERASTASE is the best and how Oribe destroyed her hair, how bad it was, etc. Wait a minute....Oribe was in your monthly favorites as well as yearly...what the fuck?! Many were not happy and they unsubscribed. I think the Retin-A switch went down like a lead balloon with Osmosis now being the darling of the moment.....a repeat of the Oribe and Kerastase mess.

All that said, I don't understand or support the mindset that you can live a nasty comment because:

1) you put yourself out there
2) it's Youtube
3) Freedom of Speech (for the love of PETE...EDUCATE yourself on that ACTUALLY means/refers to).

People are cruel, mean spirited, foul....if you wouldn't say it to the persons face, then just because you're hiding behind a computer screen doesn't mean it's ok. Social Media has destroyed society when it comes to this; there is simply NO need to say something like those posts. None at all. Yes, we DO do it here; the irony isn't lost on me- we DON'T say it on their channels, now do we?

I wish her all the best and hope she isn't going to be a Housewife if for no reason than to prevent her kids from being embarrassed, teased, humiliated by fucked-up adult behavior.

Good points!
I watched the video and to me, some of the negative comments were warranted. I'm talking critical thinking kind of comments. Nothing nasty. A lot of people were making great points.

I like Brianna!

My take away from it all is get to know your skin, do what is best for you. It is trial and error.

So you see it then! She tries to push something and then when something different comes to her brood, it's bye bye Oribe, or whatever. This is why I can't stand her, or Lisa! They try and tell people that something is "the best", and then it's not. When does it end? I Totally support the negative comments to her. She deserved every one of them..she's a fake and a hustler. I'll say it a thousand times. #shady at its finest

QUOTE (eastsidebabe @ 15/5/2017, 18:38)

Its possible that they've already done all the filming for RHofOC's next season. I found it odd that she moved on a dime to California and just as quickly is moving back. I always assumed that all the money was from Premier Look, but I only started watching her late last summer so don't know her history at all.

My friend met Gretchen Rossi. They are still filming. Brianna never made it on the show. What the hell does she have to offer, except that maybe her and her husband's shady business would be exposed? ;)

Brianna Stanko Vitamin C


Brianna Stanko Vitamin C Brianna Stanko Vitamin C Reviewed by Reginald on Desember 01, 2021 Rating: 5

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